
06, Jun 2015 - Material

Mention weave technology is derived from the first one that the ancient Chinese hand-Jacquard, to AD 1804, Frenchman Jacquard design modifications single person to complete the operation jacquard loom, also known as the Jacquard loom; reputed to mention weaving computer the operation of the prototype. Totem class jacquard clothing can be said that in the category of the most heavily used, such as houndstooth, ethnic style, CHIMAYO (Cheema there), herringbone, letter, leopard, zebra and so on. Single cloth and velvet weaving mention is made using a computer have encountered.

提織技術有一說最早源自於中國古代的手工提花,至西元1804年,法國人賈卡設計修改完成的單人操作提花織布機,也通稱為賈卡織機;被譽為是電腦提織運作的雛型。 圖騰類的提花可說是在成衣範疇中最被大量使用的,例如千鳥格、民族風、CHIMAYO(奇馬有)、人字紋、提字、豹紋、斑馬紋等。 單面布與絨布皆能使用電腦提織製成。