10, Jun 2015 - Material
Variant flannel, fabric covered with irregular coil protrusion protruding like a three-dimensional organization of digital camouflage patterns, special clothing market in recent years by the organization due attention, and began to be used extensively for all kinds of knitting a single product, from clothing to fashion men and women have encountered are reflected in its trail. Class of species in fine cloth, there are currently 20”S (branch), 25”S, 32”S change in three sizes to choose from, if special needs can still be customized development.
變體絨布,布面佈滿不規則的線圈突起,突起組織又像立體的數位迷彩紋路,特殊組織因近年受到服裝市場矚目,而開始被大量用於各式針織類單品,從童裝至風尚男女裝皆能見其蹤跡。 類種屬細絨布,目前有20’S(支)、25’S、32’S三種規格變化供選擇,如有特殊需求仍可訂製研發。