12, Jun 2015 - Material
Special yarn with irregular grain section of woven wool approximate Cuzhen organization, with soft scales coil hysterical, form feel, soft, comfort on both the superior black dot velvet. Does not require much post-processing, in the fabric that is to have a unique soft texture, compared with those in flannel, it must be washed with water, shake bake, brushing, etc. multiple post-processing sequence, in order to achieve closer feel of the fabric. In addition to showing on flannel, also made of the same cloth weaving cloth on one side, and its soft texture quite comfortable.
具不規則節粒之特殊紗線織製出近似粗針毛線組織,搭配鬆軟的魚鱗線圈底裡,結成手感、輕柔度、舒適度皆屬上乘的黑點絨布。 不需要太多的後加工,在面料製成時即能擁有獨特的鬆軟質地,相較於一般絨布,必須經過水洗、搖烘、刷毛等等多重後加工序,才能達到接近本織物的手感。 除絨布上的展現,亦能織製成相同布面的單面布,其鬆軟的質地相當舒適。