
14, Jun 2015 - Material

Knitted woven fabric on one side, through multi-channel post-processing sequence, can also imitate the feel of Kashmir as a tight-knit sweater, and this fabric that is based on modern spinning technology to produce like a rabbit-like touch, still the degree of warmth can retain animal hair can provide, environmentally friendly, easy to cause allergies are all unique advantages of this fabric. Looking around the clothing market, more and more brands to such goods for the call, in response to the killing of an alternative to replace the fabric love the earth, environmental issues.

以針織織製的單面布,經過多道後加工序,亦能仿製出如同克什米爾羊毛衫的綿密手感,而本織物即是以現代紡紗技術製作出宛如兔毛般的觸感,卻仍能保有獸毛能提供的保暖度,環保、不易引發過敏皆為本織物之獨特優點。 環顧服裝市場,越來越多品牌以此類商品為號召,響應以替代織物取代殺生的愛地球、環保議題。