04, Jun 2015 - Material
Mention weave technology is derived from the first one that the ancient Chinese hand-Jacquard, to AD 1804, Frenchman Jacquard design modifications single person to complete the operation jacquard loom, also known as the Jacquard loom; reputed to mention weaving computer the operation of the prototype. Today, many computer-related technology is widely used in Jacquard each category, and the artist often carved mention weaving techniques as a means to create fabric works, because it is the degree of freedom, high variability, a single color configuration is easy to reveal depth beauty. Now often used as an internal pajamas cloth changes.
提織技術有一說最早源自於中國古代的手工提花,至西元1804年,法國人賈卡設計修改完成的單人操作提花織布機,也通稱為賈卡織機;被譽為是電腦提織運作的雛型。 發展至今,許多電腦提花的相關技術廣泛運用於各範疇,而雕花提織技術常被藝術家當作創作織物作品的手段之一,因它自由度高、變化性高,單一顏色配置就易顯露深度美感。 現今常被使用做為內睡衣布面的變化。