24, Jun 2015 - Culture

OVERTONE This year”s theme: ”Life in the small things, hidden in stunning detail”, and Ionism brand connotation coincides with the concept. To try and research, focusing in detail, his attitude and style stack rich, creating exclusive language and culture in their lives.

This season we work together to build an experimental vocabulary OVERTONE + Ionism, our chapter has started his head, waiting for you to participate in the agitation spark together!

OVERTONE 今年的主題 : ”生活中微小的事物,藏著令人驚嘆的細節”,與 Ionism 的品牌內涵有著不謀而合的理念。在生活中多嘗試與研究,專注在細節中,將自己的態度與風格堆疊豐厚,創造專屬的語言與文化。

這一季我們共同打造了 OVERTONE + Ionism 的實驗語彙,我們的篇章已起了頭,等你一起參予激盪火花!