
16, Jun 2015 - Material

The technical department of inorganic materials using nanotechnology jade powder is added to a fabric material, the use of cold ore qualities, and porous high moisture content, the temperature in order to transfer to the fabric of cool, cool feeling effect. Today a sense of cool series of products use a wide range, from personal pajamas, clothes are more than a sport to use, and can even combine wicking, 3M anti-UV and other technologies to enhance pluralism products, especially fitness, sport quite popular today, in the world”s major sports brands also reflected in its use of fabrics related technologies.

本技術係用奈米技術將玉石粉末加入織物原料中,利用礦石的冰涼特質,及多孔隙含水率高的無機材料,將體溫傳導至布料以達降溫、涼感的效果。 現今涼感系列商品運用廣泛,從貼身的內睡衣,到運動衣著皆多有使用,甚至能夠結合吸濕排汗、3M抗UV等技術來多元提升產品,尤其是健身、運動相當風行的今日,於世界各大運動品牌也能見其相關技術運用的織物。