
20, Jun 2015 - Material

Flannel, also known as fleece, SenMao offers include a variety of natural fibers and synthetic fibers knitted fabrics customized service, which includes cotton (C), CVC, CT, C plus T and other types of single fibers blended or blended flannel. Addition to the usual fine cloth, in flannel, terry cloth, our company has also developed a code weight up to 800 grams (general Hoodie common code with a cloth weight of about 550 g) of thick flannel choose from. For coil (cloth at the end) after processing, covered the bristles, shearing, etc. can be tailored to customer demand due to the choice made specific processing procedures.

絨布又稱衛衣布,森茂提供囊括多種天然纖維與人造纖維的針織面料訂製服務,其中包含純棉(C)、CVC、CT、C加T混紡等各類單一纖維構成或混紡的絨布。 除了常見的細絨布、中絨布、厚絨布,我司還開發了碼重高達800克(一般連帽外套常見用布碼重約為550克)的超厚絨布可供選擇。 對於線圈(布底)的後加工處理,舉凡刷毛、剪毛等皆可因客戶需求量身訂製去選用特定的加工程序製成。