
11, May 2015 - Material

The use of physical differences in the fabric yarns, with special dyes made a strong sense of color, compared to the general yarn, part festival grain rice has a more obvious sense, its two-tone color is quite natural. Category widespread use, high praise to the fashion boutique, vintage dates back to ancient the old products are instantly reflected is converted to use the trail. Single cloth and velvet fabrics can be made using this technique.

利用織物紗線的物理性差異,配合特殊染料染製出強烈的雙色感,相較於一般竹節紗,節粒部分具有較為明顯的米粒感,其雙色的顯色相當自然。 運用範疇廣泛,高端推崇至時尚精品、復古追朔於古著老品,皆能見其被變換運用的蹤跡。 單面布與絨布均能使用本技術製成面料。