
19, May 2015 - Material

Also known as the waffle, waffle cloth, surface with muffin-like texture three-dimensional lattice irregularities; special texture increases the absorption strength. Our experience over the years accumulated a woven grid from a variety of sizes, in addition to generally made more rugged image. In recent years started to develop a variety of delicate weaving engineering methods, even within the pajamas made in person, but also to maintain comfort soft texture.

又稱華夫格、威化布,表面具鬆餅般立體格狀凹凸紋理;特殊紋理增加了吸濕強度。 我司多年來累積了各式大小格距的織製經驗,除了一般製成較為粗獷的形象,近年更著手研發出多種細緻的織製工法,即便是製成親身的內睡衣,也能保有舒適柔軟的質感。