
27, May 2015 - Material

Warm double knit cotton bag is absolutely Wei clothing (hooded jackets, hooded jackets, university TEE) to pursue the preferred enhanced degree of warmth. Our research and development in 2013, breaking the previous common law a package of cotton technology, with a new injection of creativity and labor law package cotton, according to the designer in the brain can be woven out a blueprint for an uneven surface, showing diverse fashion appearance. Its technology is often used in flannel.

溫暖加倍的針織包棉布,絕對是衛衣類(連帽外套、連帽夾克、大學TEE)追求保暖度強化的首選。 我司於2013年研發出突破以往常見的規律包棉技術,以嶄新的創意與工法注入包棉布,能依照設計師腦中藍圖織製出凹凸面,呈現多元的時尚樣貌。 其技術通常被運用於絨布。